13 definitions by picklestein

A mix of ebola and aids
He's gonna die from ebolaids.
by picklestein October 16, 2014
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Nonionizing radiation




Officially Ogred
by picklestein February 2, 2019
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One of the many major trolls on YouTube. This one claims to lead an "army" to "enlighten" gamers about CoD and how it is "superior" to all other games. Despite his obvious trolling, he still grasps bait easily.
IntelligentCoDFanboy: "CoD is the biggest franchise in the world. It has innovated the FPS genre and everything involved in the genre as well. Other FPS such as Battlefield, Counter Strike, Halo and GTA copied CoD. They are CoD ripoffs and are not worthy of playing. CoD on the Xbox will have the best graphics and biggest performance of every game worldwide. It will be the most successful game with the best score and the biggest fanbase."
by picklestein June 24, 2016
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A flame war with fanboys of either Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft fighting amongst each other. They are often biased to supporting their system and their system only, not knowing the advantages of the other systems.
Nintendrone: Wi1 U iz best, Fuk ur grafices, N1n73nd0 4 lyfe!!!11!

Xbot: We haz online & intarnut & C0D s0 we r bezt niqqurz!!11!!

PS Whore: N0 PS4 iz shiny & thus bezt!!1111!!!

PC Gamer: Whatever *sits back and watches rant*

Morgan Freeman: And that is the Console War in a nutshell.
by picklestein June 24, 2016
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A technocratic cult that believes humanity can only evolve by rediscovering and tapping the ancient technology of the Vanu, hence the reason they are called the VANU Sovereignty. The Vanu Sovereignty are a transhumanist and transsexual cult of academics, intellectuals, and technology worshippers who believe that human destiny lies in the further development and exploitation of the alien technology. Despite their advanced alien technology, they are most infamously known for their spandex, which, when used on the female infiltrators, can have devastatng effects.
"Technology Equals Might" - Vanu Sovereignty
by picklestein June 22, 2016
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1. Anyone who has a deep opposition towards books or anything of the like; the absolute parallel to the librophile.

2. Anyone who has a fear of liberals (i.e. conservatives).
1. Librophobe Tyrone never knew how to read. Having never forgotten how to not read, he died of chicken scarcity.

2. Johnny Bananapeel killed all the liberals with his pocket gun.
by picklestein October 22, 2016
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