6 definitions by omi

Tamunoomie is a tahe okrika language name

It means 'There is God'

They are beautiful, intelligent, awesome, amazing etc they are fun to be with, they are lively, sometimes deals with emotional problems and anger issues and can be aggressive but that makes them who they are.

If you have a person in your life you should be happy. 😍
Boy: hey Tamunoomie
Me: hi
by omi October 19, 2020
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A belief in which there is no government, AT ALL!!! Of course, the other side note is that the people will have to form together to manage the 'freedom' that people get from anarchy, thus forming another type of government. Anarchy means people will come together in unity and live in peace, but if they do, there will be some sort of form of self-government...

also see: never achievable.
by omi July 2, 2003
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1. A bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with perforations for draining off liquids and rinsing food.

2. Can also be used as a rockin' hat.
1. Don't bungle the recipe! Make sure you drain your vegetables in a colander.

2. Lindsey wore the colander on her head at a jaunty angle. All the boys wanted her milkshake.
by omi January 26, 2009
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plural: tocas; toca is a cocaine covered condom
John likes to use tocas to get high.
by omi May 15, 2004
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me and tracy have hawt illincest all the friggin time. cause we can.
by omi April 26, 2004
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a a a
epitomi of kiss kiss.
by omi September 10, 2004
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