12 definitions by nbakuchev

When the state of Israel does a complete PR disaster and immediately gets criticized by the international community and media.
"Killing 1300 women and children over 13 Israelis dying from crappy rockets? Epic Israfail."
by nbakuchev June 8, 2010
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A bunch of ideological nutjobs. These people believed in a utopian version of the world where there would be no war and no violence, completely disregarding evolutionary psychology and man's intrinsic desire to acquire more power and prestige.

The people who got Nixon elected. People were fed up with the riots and outlandishness of Hippies, so they elected Nixon. By helping get Nixon elected, they indirectly made the drugs they loved so much illegal and spurred on the War on Drugs.
The people who claim credit for movements that they had nothing to do with. The women's lib movement actually started when women worked in the factories during WWII, and the black power movement has roots in Truman desegregating the military.

The people who protested the Vietnam War but didn't end it. Walter Cronkite had more to do with the ending of the Vietnam War because people trusted Cronkite more than Hippies. Ironically enough, the anti-war movement started when they started sending white middle class college students to fight the NVA, because it's alright when poor blacks and Latinos are getting sent off to the jungles to die but not whites.
The people who later became teabaggers. The teabaggers largely are comprised of former Hippies who are hitting their midlife crisis, so they're trying to recapture their youth by holding signs of Obama as an African witch doctor.
Guy 1: "Did you see those Hippies that got shot at Kent State?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, they called it a massacre but I would hardly classify 4 people dying as a massacre."
by nbakuchev June 6, 2010
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Possibly the worst fucking alphabet agency you'll find. They plunked $9 million (1973 dollars) into getting Salvador Allende out of office, but were too goddamn stupid and it took a junta with half the IQ of a CIA agent to overthrow the government. Any successes they have, they fall ass backwards into. They were put in charge of "interrogating terrorists," but did more to piss off the Arabs and turn non-terrorists into actual terrorists once they got out of Gitmo.

Gives more ammo to a radical imam than an al-Qaida video of an Abrams tank getting blown up to the sound of a muezzin giving the adhan.

Acronym for "Can't Instigate Anything."

The worst waste of money in this country besides Bush Jr's presidential pension.

The place where people who can't get into the State Department or FBI go when they fail the entrance exams.
I heard the CIA gave the prince of Jordan a bunch of New York hookers in the 70s to keep King Hussein on our side.
by nbakuchev June 6, 2010
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broh-skee-zee (noun)--what the biggest douchebag in the world calls his male friends
Sup broskeezee?
by nbakuchev July 14, 2010
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The people who say our generation is the dumbest generation, yet their generation caused a global economic meltdown. It wasn't the Millennials buying up houses they couldn't afford and giving those loans out. It wasn't the Millennials racking up enormous credit card debt and creating a society based on material goods. (Despite their former Hippie days where they spurned materialism, these baby boomers have become the most materialistic generation).

They will suck us dry with exorbitant Medicare and Social Security costs, leaving no social safety net for those who are under the age of 40 as of 2010 officially screwed.

They will talk ten kinds of shit about how our generation is entitled, but recent research suggests we may be the most frugal generation since the 1930s due to the financial crisis that baby boomers started.

The people who make up the vast majority of Teabaggers and rail against the obscene spending they spurred on and even engage in on a regular basis. Thus, it is reasonable to assume these former far-left wingers and idealists are trying to reform society into their dystopian vision still held over from their Hippie days.
You can thank the baby boomers for destroying the society the Greatest Generation created.
by nbakuchev October 2, 2010
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Carpetbaggers have a long history. The first Carpetbaggers came to the South from Yankee states after the Civil War to make a quick buck. Later Carpetbaggers moved to the South in the 1970s when the big 3 automakers in Detroit started to fail. Modern-day Carpetbaggers primarily move to 5 cities in Texas (El Paso, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas) to escape the wretched economic prospects of their home states (usually California and Yankee states). They will take jobs from Texans and are generally ungrateful bastards, frequently calling Texans rednecks and complaining about how it sucks here as compared to their squathole in Mexifornia or New England. If Texas sucks so much, then why are you here?
The most famous modern-day Carpetbagger is Joseph Stack, the guy who rammed his plane into the IRS building in Austin.

Get out of Texas, carpetbagger!
by nbakuchev June 6, 2010
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Obviously the people who are extolling him have never had the misfortune of living in his district.

The guy who:
-Voted for Claudette aid but not Ike aid, because he had to appease his national constituents and did not care that Gilchrist and Bolivar looked like nuclear bombs hit them because he got famous.
-Called for NFIP premiums to be lowered with the Flood Control and Modernization Act but said we shouldn't pay for Katrina because he's totally not racist. Oh, and the NFIP was not billions in the hole after the 2005 hurricane season, and is a program a small-government libertarian would support.
-Had a newsletter that his Democratic opponent got a hold of in 1994 that said blacks were notoriously "fleet-footed" and cited bogus statistics from the Department of Justice. When the Victoria Advocate asked his office to disclose the newsletter to refute it, he refused. Did I mention he's not racist?
-The Houston Chronicle and the Victoria Advocate always endorse the other guy running against him.
-Says he doesn't vote for earmarks but got a bunch of pork barrel spending for shrimpers in Lake Jackson.
Ron Paul is the ultimate Machiavellian politician, because he has the appearance of virtue without actually having it.
by nbakuchev June 8, 2010
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