26 definitions by monkiki

An artist who doesn't suck up to the tradition of art, who is either weird or self taught or just makes things that they like. Usually didn't go to art school and may sell their art for money. Craft and primitive art of the urban experience
I love outsider art! it's just too ugly!
by monkiki April 22, 2005
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poop - when you're being politein front of your granny (like saying "shoot" instead of shit).
they don't give a phoop
by monkiki February 26, 2005
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Amy Winehouse, as coined in Brit tabloids. A truly talented singer, she has become a darling of the yellow journals, due to her anorexic appearance and heavy drinking/ drugging/ brawling. She overdosed and was seen bloody and with her husband all scratched up. Got her a ton of publicity. She won a BRIT award, a MOBO and is due return to the studio to start work on a new album set for release in 2008 which is exciting. If she doesn't die first from her eating disorder etc. The British newspaper The Sun has been running a HILARIOUS Amy Winehouse column called Wino Watch.
I sure hope La Wino lives long enough to make many more albums!
by monkiki October 7, 2007
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A term meaning something is extremely accurate, right on target. Hitting the mark. Correct, absolute.
You nailed that description dead on.
by monkiki April 3, 2005
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A style of painting that applies photorealism to urban images.
I loved that Ur-realism art show, especially the images of Tiajuana bars with hookers standing outside.
by monkiki July 18, 2006
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EXTROPIANS are a type of transhumanist futurists. Generally they hold an optimistic view of the future, and espouse that technological breakthroughs - mostly in genetics and electronics, will cause human beings to become "more than human" or "better then human". They are often Randian Objectivists, or are libertarian, though not all. They are aligned with Secular Humanists and Skeptics Society as well. They got a lot of media attention during the 90s, for example, co-founder Max More and Tranhumanist artist Natasha Vita More graced the 2000 January cover of Wired Magazine and were darlings of the vastly emergent cyber culture. The term Extropy was coined by T.O. Morrow and Max More. Many Extropians are into Cryonics which means you pay to have your head or body frozen when you die in the hopes that science finds a way to reanimate you.
I went to an Uber- cool Extropian party, And everyone was so hip, so smart, and so techno savvy... but then they started talking about how they were saving their heads in vats of liquid nitrogen and I decided to lay off the vodka.
However, I did learn that Walt Disney did NOT have himself frozen, that was an urban legend.
by monkiki August 10, 2006
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Political chat room users who endlessly argue in favor of Bush Administration errors, no matter how much evidence is presented to them. When polls show 62% of the country hates Bush, bush bots will say it's "Liberal Spin" - even if the poll is reported by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. If any media shows a body of an American Soldier or baby injured in Iraq, or reports on a crooked Abramov link to Bush or Cheney, that's treason.

They think that anything and everything Bush does is holy and good, they take all their talking points from gasbag Rush Limbaugh or Faux News.
Either vile racist scum, or wingnut Christians, they mostly resemble a sort of Christian Taliban operating within in the USA. Usually they argue that anyone who disgrees with Bush should move to Canada (or Africa, Mexico, France) or be executed.
They blame Clinton for everything Bush has done, and they focus on Clinton in a slavish way. They call Liberals terrorists, and claim that the Bush Family was appointed by god. Etc.

They were named after 'bots' - mindless electronic progams that invade chat rooms and hack blogs to piss on the forum {with nonsense} - due to their repetition of mindless sound bytes.
Chat room user 1: Bush has drained the economy with this useless war, and I see no end to it - people are dying for -- what? ... nothing.. that's why it is so sad and disturbing. And the current republican congress is so corrupt, they'll probably all end up in jail. All they do is lie?

Bushbot: Crybaby! Waaahh.... God Bless President Bush. You hate America!I wish your mama had had an Abortion! Terrorist! Tree hugging liberal scum! Anyway, 9/11 and the Iraq war is Clinton's fault.
by monkiki August 10, 2006
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