3 definitions by miguelsancheese

Someone who sends large amounts of images "borrowed from b3ta" via email.

Probably of Kittens.

With Knives.

And a food processor.

And lubricant.

With a title like "woo, kitten"
Wipity fucking woo. Another email from the b3ta bitch.
by miguelsancheese July 10, 2006
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Helen Clark, Prime Minister of NZ.

So called as she is the matriarch of the New Zealand 'Nanny State', but without the children.

Sometimes referred by her detractors as Uncle Helen due to the her masculine appearance.
"Did you hear what Aunty Helen was on about yesterday?"
by miguelsancheese September 14, 2008
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A city in NZ, an hour to the south, and 10 minutes into the future.

a.k.a. 'city of the future'

contraction the 'tron
Yeah, thats right baby, you in for a good time, cause you see, this old boy, he from Hamiltron, the city of the future.
by miguelsancheese August 7, 2005
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