1 definition by lolly.sparks

The sweetest, most caring girl you will ever meet. She is mostly quiet. She is smart and funny and is usually happy, but she worries sometimes. Can sometimes be shy, but can beautifuly preset herself at her chance. If she says she loves you, she means it from the bottom of her heart and will do absolutely do anything for you. She will do whatever to make you happy, even though if it means she's getting hurt in the end she'll do it. She is the greatest friend you could ever have, she's there when you need her and will never hesitate to go out of her way for you. She's fragile though, known to break down easily even though she rarely shows it. She feels lost in her life cause nobody understands her. She wishes her life was different. She's loves the miserability cause she's used to it. Although her life is fucked up, she has beauty and brains. Love her and she will love you back. However, if you mess with her in any way, she will make sure you get it back twice as bad. She is rarely ever a bitch unless you give her a good reason to be. If you have one in your life, she is special and unique, don't let her go. She's one to hold onto.
Carolina is so quietly nice.
by lolly.sparks February 12, 2014
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