12 definitions by laurenthecoochieinspector

The act of farting in public and making someone else take the blame.
You: awh fred you nasty.
Fred: shut up with yo turtle toot.
by laurenthecoochieinspector November 24, 2013
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this is when you lick someone face with all of your tongue hanging out of your mouth.
the act of licking ones face.
"hey tom what you do last night?"
"nothing much just giraffe licked me girlfriend."
by laurenthecoochieinspector November 24, 2013
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The act of being a total douche with good hygiene.
when there I a guy that is highly metrosexual and a total prick.
Casey: Hey Suzy, how's Anthony?
Suzy: Terrible yesterday I took him 2 hours to get ready for the baby shower he is such a pampering prick!
Casey: How could you be late to you guy own baby shower?
by laurenthecoochieinspector November 24, 2013
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The act of finding random ass head hair, stuck in the crevices of yo pussy.
ashlee: ewh, da fuq is dis


ashlee: ahh my head hair, why da fuq dis in my pussy. mom why?
mom: I don't know... I just really don't know. maybe it's just a silly ole vagina vine!
by laurenthecoochieinspector November 24, 2013
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A person that is like a shadow that wont leave u like another word for stalker.
Jon: man this girl wont stop following me, what a black panda.
Mike: wow my girl is one too, she is right in that bush right dere.
Jon: should we report them or nah? FUCKING BLACK PANDAS CAN SUCK MY DICK
girls voice: really?
guys: ahhhhh
by laurenthecoochieinspector November 24, 2013
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Over a period of time your relationships crumbles slow and steadily, starting with disagreement and great displeasure ending it off with just complete boredom between the relationships.
Tim: Amy you're so boring, fucking stop arguing with me.
Amy: no you stop.
2 months later
Tim:...I hate you...
Amy:...I hate you too...
Tim: good were finally agreeing and im turtle dumping you.

Amy: ok good!
by laurenthecoochieinspector November 24, 2013
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this is when you are the one inspecting a coochie, or looking at a vagina.
a name you could call a friend as in mock protest.
Will: Hey Ted you get any last night with that drunken whore?
Ted: hah, you could call me the coochie inspector!
Will: what a loser, that all ya get?
Ted: sadly yeah she only let me look at it.
by laurenthecoochieinspector November 24, 2013
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