32 definitions by jerryblank

Little harmless glass containers that release a foul egg-like odor when broken. For best results use inside where there is an abundance of people.
Warning-Do not use at your job site, unless you want to be suspended and sent home for pending investigation.
One of the quotes from the letter my job gave me for setting off a stink bomb-"This type of behavior will not be tolerated due to the fact that physical and emotional harm could be caused to associates and cutomers."
by jerryblank May 16, 2005
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Piece of shit vans used mainly by schools with no money. They are older the the kids that ride them and have 250 meters of duct tape inside and out that hold the van together.
Me and my friend were riding in a beater van and I almost fell through the duct taped floor.
by jerryblank May 18, 2005
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Cheap american beer caucasion males drink to get the balls to go up to a girl and get rejected.This beer tastes like urine but gets more delightful the more you drink.
I rather drink pickle juice with sprinkles of donkey dingle berries, then drink natys.
by jerryblank April 29, 2005
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When you slap somebody on their bear back and leave a red hand print on their back. Unless of course your my freind Ebert, who has four fingers and one stub, and leave a four star.
Dude that five star must of hurt b/c my hand is numb.
by jerryblank May 16, 2005
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Worst computer know to man. After a day of use they start making weird noises and randomly just shut off. Their freaking cd/dvd rom drives sould like freaking Harley Davidson motorcycles. God forbid you have a problem and try to call their customer service number, you better have a day off and a lot of patience. I've never been so pissed off that day when i talked to Abu for a hour and listened to an automated operator for another two hours. Dell lost the only good thing they had when they fired the Dell guy that said dude a lot.
Me-"Dude you know what Dell stands for?"
Freind-"hmmm,D-E-L-L um idk."
Me-"Dell stands for bullshit."
by jerryblank May 16, 2005
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Fun drinking game which is used with the game Jenga. You begin by writing differnt tasks on the blocks. (Like take to sips of your drink, give three sips etc.)You then assemble Jenga and play, but now when you pull off a block you must perform the task on it.
Drink Jenga is the fun and easy way to get girls to drop their panties.
by jerryblank May 16, 2005
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Shot that consists of 151,jagermeister, and goldschlager.
My freind Kevin had a shot and instantly spit it up and peed himself.
by jerryblank May 16, 2005
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