36 definitions by hansonpaulsey


The period of time after a man has ejaculated where (for once) sex and women aren't on his mind and he suddenly has a clear thought process bringing in major epiphanies and supreme moments of clarity on life;
fyi: (these "PERVs" only last about a couple of minutes, or even seconds, which then after the idea of sex returns back to the brain.)
Alexander Graham Bell got into a huge argument with his girlfriend on his lack of communication skills since he supposedly didn't let her know that he was going to be home later than planned that night. This argument between them left her in a frustrated mood for the rest of the night which then resulted in her refusing to give him sex.

So after his girlfriend fell asleep, Alexander went to the outhouse in order to blow his load before going to bed. With his lack of communication skills still on his mind, he busted his nut which brought on a Post-Ejaculation Revelation:

"If I could have somehow communicated with my girlfriend from another location over some talking device... I could have gotten sex tonight! Yes, this idea is grand! I'll call it the telephone!"

The rest is history.
by hansonpaulsey November 8, 2009
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To be positive that the gifts or presents you have bought for someone he or she will enjoy; to be optimistic that the purchases you will make will be well-worth the money.
My mother was so shoptimistic about the presents she had bought for my sister and I this Christmas that she didn't even bother keeping the receipts.
by hansonpaulsey October 11, 2009
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A threesome involving two sexual partners performing a 69 on one partner.

609 is the same as a 619, but with a more chubby partner in the middle.
"Last night, my girlfriend and I 69nd for the first time."
"Big deal. Last night, me, your girlfriend and your mom 619nd."
by hansonpaulsey February 13, 2010
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Noun: A death star is done by fisting a woman's asshole or vagina and while said fist is inside you open up your hand ( spreading out all 5 fingers) inside the woman.
"I gave that girl a death star since her pussy was so loose!"
by hansonpaulsey October 14, 2009
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The sexual act of a man cumming into a woman's mouth after she gives head and immediately after the woman squirts chocolate syrup into her mouth, swishes it around, and then swallows.
Willy Wonka's gay lover used to adore drinking Willy's chocolate milk. But then his test results came back...
by hansonpaulsey October 11, 2009
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Noun: A father who doesn't pay child support and gradually loses contact with his children.
"My dad hasn't talked to me in years and he doesn't even help out my family financially anymore. He's such a cappy."
by hansonpaulsey November 23, 2009
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