2 definitions by guesswho316

The definition of hotness, attractiveness, coolness, and awesomeness. Every hot girl chases after him, but he will only go after girls that are both beautiful and with a deep heart and kindness and personality. :D The best friend to anyone who is a good, cool person to hang around. Also, he happens to be an ultraconservative evangelical Christian (hence his name, but that doesn't mean that Jesus is all he talks about. That's a common misconception about Christians. All around a cool, great guy.
Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Oh, did you hear about Calvary?

Boy/Boyfriend: Wat? Huh? Calvary... Oh, I think I've heard of that. Isn't that like the hill where Christ was crucified upon? I saw a Church while driving here.

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Well, yeah I guess, but it's also this dude I know. He's like, sooooooooo hot.

Boy/Boyfriend: OOOOH Really, well if you like him so much, why don't you just break up with me?

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Fine! We're through. I'll go date him now.
by guesswho316 September 29, 2012
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The definition of hotness, attractiveness, coolness, and awesomeness. Every hot girl chases after him, but he will only go after girls that are both beautiful and with a deep heart and kindness and personality. :D The best friend to anyone who is a good, cool person to hang around. Also, he happens to be an evangelical Christian (hence his name, but that doesn't mean that Jesus is all he talks about. That's a common misconception about Christians. All around a cool, great guy.
Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Oh, did you hear about Calvary?

Boy/Boyfriend: Wat? Huh? Calvary... Oh, I think I've heard of that. Isn't that like the hill where Christ was crucified upon? I saw a Church while driving here.

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Well, yeah I guess, but it's also this dude I know. He's like, sooooooooo hot.

Boy/Boyfriend: OOOOH Really, well if you like him so much, why don't you just break up with me?

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Fine! We're through. I'll go date him now.
by guesswho316 May 30, 2012
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