2 definitions by fortnite05

When you feel you love more than one person at once. Prone I’m people who don’t know what they want.
Person 1: I love him but I like someone else too

Person 2: looks like you have confused heart disease
by fortnite05 November 24, 2018
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the sweetest guy you will ever meet. Fluent in Spanish but never uses it because he’s too modest. Really introverted but opens up to people he trusts. His smile brightens your day. Very talented but would much rather talk about you. Athletic, intelligent, and kind. The best friend you could ever have (unless you’re a girl. Then go after him. He’ll treat you right).
Person 1: “wow you play soccer!”
kavyn: “yeah. Don’t you play volleyball? Tell me about that”
by fortnite05 November 4, 2018
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