10 definitions by electronicbattleground

One word for "Quit" and "It".
"QUIDDIT! Stop touching me!"
"No YOU QUIDDIT! You started this!"
by electronicbattleground November 9, 2004
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A type of war cry used when revenge or justice of some kind is in order. Often used before someone finishes something other people started.
"I got fired last night. I'm goin' there tomorrow and imma burn that mother fucker DOWN!"
by electronicbattleground November 10, 2004
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A phrase that refers to fighting any kind of 'war' that is fought via the Internet, aka: via 'teh interweb'. This kind of war can happen any number of ways: though email, on message boards or forums, on LiveJournal or any Blogs, on AIM or any chat program, or even on IRC. See: ignant, troll, hag, PITA, tard, chickenshit.
"Mother fucker keeps on leaving ignant ass comments in my journal and has turned it into an Electronic Battleground. OMGWTFBBW. FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!!!"
by electronicbattleground November 8, 2004
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To be ignored, cut off, brushed off, blown off, shoved aside, and otherwise snubbed.

'Mabbed' is a reference to the character of "Queen Mab" in the made for TV series, "Merlin". Upon being ignored and forgotten, Queen Mab lost all of her power, and ceased to exist.
In short, she was a troll. What happens to a troll when you ignore them and don't give them the reaction they want, or the time of day? They get bored, and go elsewhere. Ignore a troll, and they lose their power. Forget them, and they become as useful as a corpse.
Keep bugging me and you're going to find yourself Mabbed. Now stay da fuck outta my Journal!
by electronicbattleground November 8, 2004
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A name/word used when someone is really excited about getting tacos or some other Mexican food. When the person is excited enough, they'll make up little songs about Paco to amuse everyone around them.
"Anyone wanna go to Mighty Taco?"
"Paco does! He likes the taco. Taco, taco, taco! He really likes the taco! Sometimes, he likes burrito! But always, he likes the taco!"
by electronicbattleground November 9, 2004
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The act of removing someone from your LiveJournal 'Friends List'.

One of the many ways to bitch slap someone on 'Teh Interweb'. Often happens in a domino effect, especially when one person doesn't like you - and they're good at influencing other people. With the right amount of pressure, one 'Unfriending', will lead to several.

But if that one person (ususually known as the queen bee) happens to 'Refriend' you, you'll notice the other drones will follow suit, because they are Borg, and have been 'assimilated'.

See minion, bitch, LiveJournal, slave, mindless, sheep, poser, drone, hive, insect.
"OMG. We hate that person this week. Didn't you know that?"
"No. Sorry. I didn't. Why do you hate them? What did they do??"
"Does it matter? WE JUST DO. Now UNFRIEND them from your Journal and get with the program!"
by electronicbattleground November 9, 2004
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