1 definition by crazy4youcheezit

The most amazing guy on the planet. amazing kisser, very stubborn when it comes to some things. Handsome, sexy, and terribly cute. loyal as heck, he will never leave you or break your heart. determined to make your life as wonderful as he possibly can. loves to hug, quite creative when it comes to showing affection. amazing writer, even though he doesnt know it. plays drums like nobodys business. He works a lot, but its with good intent. He would do anything for you. he can be such a boy sometimes, but if you didnt know him well you would think he was perfect....and even then...
Sally; "Hey isnt that Tim? he is adorable! I wish i could date him.."

Delilah; "well you cant CUZ I AM HES MINE MWAHAHAHAHA"
by crazy4youcheezit July 18, 2011
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