16 definitions by christa

"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" = Really big hottie.
by christa December 17, 2004
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A person who plays an MMORPG still even though he says he is retired.
"OMG I found out Johnny is playing on Mordred, he is such an Etheros!"
by christa July 18, 2004
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A really funny thing to call somebody back in the day that i vow to make popular again. A dipshit. (you know you used to say it)
You are such a buttwiff.
by christa November 15, 2003
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A cool word to call your local law enforcement officials preferribly out of ear range.
No sir, I didn't call you a dickface. I said 'cold night isn't it'?
by christa November 15, 2003
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An extremely horrible guilt trip best exicuted by Jewish people in which they make you feel guilty for wanting something they need. Not to be confused with catholic guilt
Hey dad can I have this chili in the fridge. Shure but I will die if you eat it because I haven't had food in days. Dad stop jewish guilting me.
by christa April 14, 2015
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