5 definitions by cancerVssuicide

Dude, I wish I was knee deep in some Britney Spears badge right about now.
by cancerVssuicide January 29, 2003
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Emphasis for any phrase, one that which usually follows or procedes the phrase
by cancerVssuicide January 29, 2003
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Handled or handleage - Variation of ownage, so go look up ownage you dumb ass.
by cancerVssuicide January 29, 2003
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Proper Noun-The opposite of jesus.
CancerVsuicide whould kill you to have your sins.
by cancerVssuicide January 29, 2003
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Fat kid who hides the fact he has a deep sexual relationship with jello by acting like a robot
1-"Bubbleman, I mean timmy...where's all the jello"!
by cancerVssuicide January 29, 2003
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