4 definitions by bradmon21

1. (Acronym) Moment(s) of Temporary Stupidity.
Synonyms: Fail, Epic Fail, Duh, Oop, Slow, Derp
"Oh my god, where the fuck is my phone?"
"You're talking to me on it right now, I thought."
"Oh shit, total M.O.T.S"
"Moment of Temporary Stupidity, I call them M.O.T.S..
by bradmon21 November 14, 2018
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"Hey bro, you down for some double dash on N.G.C.?"
by bradmon21 November 15, 2018
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(Acronym) for Pride in Profession.
Taking pride in ones line of work/career. Enjoying your job, and pridefully undergoing all it entails.
"That man definitely demonstrates p.i.p."
Or simply, "That man is an upstanding Pip." (Throwing proper syntax aside, making a play on the name Pip.
by bradmon21 March 9, 2019
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Acronym for Program and Control.

Phenomenon in which any and every decision we make is governed by multiple circumstances/possibilities. For example, two men standing together on a balcony contemplate jumping to their deaths. Where both possibilities exist, in one reality they are P.A.C.'d to jump. And in the other they will not.

Decision is completely foreign to us, and both does and does not exist.

Pac-Man (P.A.C. Man) thinks he is in control, and is consuming ghosts and advancing to further staged on his on volition. He does not know he is trapped in a maze. And even when he tries to escape, what happens. He comes right out of the other side, only to find himself in the same maze..
Netflix's Black Mirror: Bandersnatch is a mind blowing P.A.C. movie!
by bradmon21 December 28, 2018
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