57 definitions by barry

the week when your girlfriend/wife is menstruating.

see also on the blob, having the painters in
dude #1 - ah man, no sex this week

dude #2 - how comes?

dude #1 - playstation week

dude #2 - ah (said in a knowing and sympathetic tone of voice)
by barry January 23, 2005
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when you do something of genius proportions and barry and emmet simultaniasly came up with the word
thats geniosity
by barry June 19, 2003
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Usually used in the plural (gummis), a gummi is a small edible bribe that a teacher offers a pupil to work. Gummis are usually sweets.
Bob: Miss, I can't be bothered to work!
Miss: Oh Bob... I have gummis!
Bob: OK!
(Bob then works like mad)
by barry June 4, 2004
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A mormon girl who hits buses with her car.
Broadzilla, broadzilla, she comes to save the, save the day
Broadzilla, broadzilla, she comes to preach her mormon ways
by barry December 13, 2003
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1. A pale dude
2. A white person's dick
3. A gang leader in Malibu
The shooter, identified as white kong, has gone on a rampage in the streets.

Justin is white kong.
by barry August 1, 2004
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Used to mean 'more, more!' Originally used to mean print more copies of useless crap while in a lesson at school, to waste time.
Teacher: Today we will learn algebra.
Student: PRINT!
by barry June 4, 2004
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