17 definitions by army_azn

The best game to play during P.E./Gym. Not played in American schools because hippocritical liberals in the Department of Educationthink it's too violent even though we're at war. Converted to Nation-ball because players are also behind the other team. That makes students feel like they're in war.
Ok, in nation-ball, a few players will be behind the other team so it seems like you're surrounded by an enemy army!
by army_azn December 15, 2004
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Just goes to show you that one man playing with fire can get an entire country burned.
by army_azn February 11, 2005
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An ancient symbol in Eastern cultures to represent peace. Then Hitler came back and the dfinition of the swastika did a 180.
The different between the traditional swastika and the infamous Nazi symbol is that Hitler put his version at a 45 degree angle.
by army_azn March 18, 2005
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The 2004 Presidental Election was so FUBAR it's not even funny.
by army_azn November 30, 2004
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Wow, a violin in rock. Now I've everything, except Kerry getting elected.
by army_azn January 22, 2005
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1. America's favorite luncheon meat

2. Short for "Stupid, Pointless, Annoying message", usually in the form of E-mail
1. Who wants some SPAM in a can?!
Yay, more SPAM!!!

2. Damn it, more spam!
by army_azn January 27, 2005
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If I had a penny for every censor that was caught with their pants down, I could buy Jentet Jackson a shirt that Justin Timberlake can't rip.
by army_azn February 11, 2005
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