1 definition by Z170011119

An unusual name with no origin but no denial secretly awesome. Z17’s gender is probably the most strange topic to even talk about so unless you’re close enough to Z to get a real detailed explanation dont bother. Z17 is very shy at first but at the same time chaotic and hyper, loves making friends and the simple thought of friendship brings them joy. Z17 often feels like they’re annoying and will get upset with themselves if they think they’re of any disturbance. Z17 has a variety of interests but has a special place for all arts, music, nature, gaming, and quality time. Z17 is very big on fashion and very rarely dresses in a style thats most popular amongst other people. Z17 has trouble opening up to people but as soon as Z17 is comfortable with someone then Z will try harder and may even succeed at being more open and outgoing with how they feel.
1.) “Yo who is that? I like their style they seem cool”
2.) “Oh thats Z17”
1.) “What?-“

Z170011119 is shy, sweet, and one of a kind.
by Z170011119 November 23, 2021
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