2 definitions by Weskimo33

When you feel like you have to poop, but when you sit on the toilet you don't have to anymore.
I woke up last night at 3am to go to the bathroom, but when I got there, I didn't have to go anymore. I had a total flukey dukey.
by Weskimo33 May 14, 2010
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Pedophile + polygamy

The act of an adult marrying multiple minors with out divorcing the previous one.

A man who practices pedophilygamy is a pedophilygamist.
Did you see that guy? That's the ninth 14 year old girl he's married this year. He's a total pedophilygamist.

Pedophilygamy is against the law on numerous levels.
by Weskimo33 May 10, 2010
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