7 definitions by Walaba

A time where the pope was like "nibba these muslims suck, go fuck them up"
"Yo I was part of the Great Crusade last night, it was so much fun taking Jerusalem
by Walaba September 30, 2018
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A Pathetic Nerd Who Yearns To Hold The World In His Grasp, He Wants To Control Everything And Bring Upon An Age Of Logic. Of Course He Is A Disgrace To His Family And Has Mild Depression.
"Oh look, it's Kevin. How sad."
by Walaba July 19, 2018
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"ew it's Walaba quick leave the server"
by Walaba September 30, 2018
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Verb: brutally beating someone and their family and then selling them into slavery
kid: fortnite is best game
me irl: I'll rek u irl
kid: No, you will not. I have armed guards surrounding my house, if you dare step foot on our property you will be shot and killed.
me irl: nah *reks him and his family*
by Walaba September 30, 2018
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Adjective for someone who's been bamboozled into death.
me irl: ur mum lol
person: heck *limbs fall off and bleeds out"
me irl: u just got trolled epic style
by Walaba September 30, 2018
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The way to answer anything or start an insult, it's even better if who you're talking to doesn't have a mom or their mom is dead.
mainstream kid: Hey what's your favorite fortnite skin?
me irl: ur mum xdddd

kid: M-my mom is dead.... *breaks into tears*
me irl: tHaTs HiLaRiOuS *does fortnite default dance*
by Walaba September 29, 2018
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"Rekt" is an adjective used to describe someone who has been brutally murdered, insulted into tears, or has lost lost in a video game.
me irl: *is dead* my friends: lmao u got rekt nibba
by Walaba September 29, 2018
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