5 definitions by WEREKAHOLITIC

When some one comforts by seemingly never ended deciphering of information. These are often seen as unnecessary and extended time frames, supporting a notion of irrelevance.

Internet/book fact trust.
Compounded with parts Information - Interested.
-An extremely stimulated act of processing information.
-Firmly enclosed focus on "information".
-Embodying conceptualization with subsequent loss of time.

Zero - "Trested with the presidency of Info-Nation, Following Records Of Everything To Retain Examples Suited To Everything Directly".

The hoarder with no top shelf. The farmer of food for thought. The "Eternal Teacher/Student" state.
State of Infoetrequisizing "It's not about what ya do know, it's about what you don't know".

Provoking the question, "is there any point?".
To which Sir. Cool Aid of the Information Trust replied, "Can you hot-spot me bro?"

"Today I got so infoetrested by the pieces until nothing worked out the puzzle. Dr. I. Trested me for OCD, I got four more opinions from Google, Yahoo, Bing and, the receipt binary code I found in 2019's unreleased top tips for dis-eases we don't have yet."

"Anonymous was so infoetrested (interested in the information),

Some say he's wired.
Some say he fully aced a royal flush with blank cards.
Some say he traveled to 1985 to stop the release of "back to the future".

"Johnny's what we call infoetrested, his foelk called twenty winks his education which forever lacks the map to nowhere"
"Yeah, I asked Johnny if he knew what career he wanted yet"
Johnny - "The only thing I know is I know nothing"
by WEREKAHOLITIC January 19, 2018
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The sometimes urge, while geared up, to absolutely anything and possibly everything, and do everything that there is to do with your Cracktivity.
Sam: "oh my God, I was so Cracktivated this morning that I got my whole day's chours done, walls washed, lawn mowed, built a shed and even learnt taxidermy, and it's only 9AM."
by WEREKAHOLITIC October 24, 2019
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Being distracted by the adult coloring craze so much that it becomes a problem...

An addiction almost so much so that every days tasks go a stray in the blink if an eye.
"Fuck me! I got so colorstracted last night I forgot to sleep....", " you should see the awesome pictures I did, all with glitters too!"
by WEREKAHOLITIC March 20, 2018
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An explicitly Australian term best announciated in the typical "Aussie" accent meaning a resounding NO, but depending on exactly how the word is spoken means many types of NO.

When being firm it means HELL NO
When being sarcastic it means GET A LIFE I SAID NO
When used in anger it means HELL FUCKING NO
Jonno - Oi Mu! Grab us a tinny from the esky will ya.
Sheila - Um YEAHNA!
Jonno - Ah go'on, do it
Sheila - Get it yaself ya lazy drongo!
by WEREKAHOLITIC June 18, 2019
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The Australian pronunciation and spelling of the Spanish greeting for Hello.
Robbo - "Ola guys, hope you didn't get lost comin' back through the ass end of woop woop."

Kathy - "yeah, was bloody full on."

Jonno - "Robbo... Ola..! It's good to be home mate I can tell ya!"

The use of 'Ola' in these cases generally favours the thick Aussie Twang.
by WEREKAHOLITIC May 11, 2019
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