4 definitions by Triathlor

The cocky members of an orchestra that always have the lead in songs. They always have to play faster than the rest of the orchestra, and louder.

They are those who play the violin. The violin is essentially, the child of the - far superior - viola, which was created prior to the violin.

A violinist is basically the skin, hair, and outer body of an orchestra. A violist is basically the limbs and muscles of the body. The cellists and bassists are basically the blood and nerves.

And as we all know, all that matters, is what is on the inside. Take this from a violist.
How many violinists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Nine. One to change the lightbulb, and eight others to stand around looking good.
by Triathlor January 6, 2019
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( . Y . )

Slang term for female breasts
Bob: I want ( . Y . )
Steve: How the fuck did you just say boob aloud without actually saying it?
by Triathlor March 22, 2020
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A country.
Most notable achievements of the modern generation;
Birthplace of PewDiePie
Birthplace of a language that PewDiePie knows, because it is his native language.
Hey, Sweden is where PewDiePie was born!

OMG that's amazing I want to move there immediately!
by Triathlor January 6, 2019
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John: What are you doing tonight Fred?
Fred: Oh yeah, John, I'm just going to watch some Hentai on the Internet.
Bystander: What the fuck??!?!??!!
by Triathlor April 24, 2019
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