12 definitions by TesTy_DaBlockz

The scariest way to end any horror story. The scariest fucking cliffhanger in every horror story ever.
Dumbass: Hey wanna hear a horror story?
Smartass: Sure!
Dumbass: One time during 3 AM, a guy was sleeping... Then the dog came in.
Smartass: I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight.
by TesTy_DaBlockz October 14, 2023
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When you ask somebody to sthu, you're asking them to SHUT THE HELL UP. You know that.
Kid 1: "nerd"
Kid 2: "sthu dumbass"
by TesTy_DaBlockz August 31, 2023
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Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are the most confused, distraughtly shocked, angered & vexed Days of the week, they really hate the day Tuesday and would go crazy when they hear Tuesday saying A SINGLE thing. What about that? Well, The day that comes before the first day in the group is Wednesday, and Tuesday comes before Wednesday, Wednesday hates Tuesday for some reason, and so do Thursday and Friday. The first letter of each day spells W-T-F, Wednesday-Thursday-Friday.
Tuesday: "YO GUYS WASSUP??? I just got this drip!"
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: "W-T-F bro"
Tuesday: "What?"
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: "It means both our names and What The F***."

These examples show that "Wednesday Thursday Friday" basically means WTF, because if you put the first letter of each day in one group:
Wednesday = W
Thursday = T
Friday = F
-- You Will See That It Spells Out WTF, which means what the fuck
by TesTy_DaBlockz May 18, 2023
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The sexiest motherfucker, you can fuck this bitch all you want. Every 4th grader starts beginning to love them, then it slowly descends into getting intimate and sexual with it. You can use it to strangle your victims and molest them, or just molest the pole itself.
Adolphus the great: I, the king, now disclose that I hereby am in love intimately with this attractive pole!
Light Pole:

Adolphus the great: *dry-humping sounds*
by TesTy_DaBlockz September 9, 2023
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BRBASAP means Be Right Back As Soon As Possible, it could be used to tell somebody that they need to be back as soon as they can, which can be used if somebody needs to be afk and says "brb" or "afk", in which case, you could say "BRBASAP tho"
Here is An Example:
Person 1: "Hey Uhh, Afk I gotta Take Out The Trash."
Person 2: "Alright, But BRBASAP tho."
by TesTy_DaBlockz May 18, 2023
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A toon-tuber is what it sounds like. The "toon" is short for cartoon, and the "tuber" is short for youtuber, thus making it obvious that A Toon-Tuber is basically a cartoon animation channel.. Right? Well, it's not that simple. A Toon-Tuber is like a PNG-Tuber, but the PNGs are animated and don't just jump around with frozen expressions.
An Example Would Be Hard, but here is what I can do:
Kid 1: "Yo, have you seen this Toon-Tuber named Chipflake on YouTube?"
Kid 2: "Yeah I did, but they animate normal animations, so they aren't a Toon-Tuber!"
Kid 2: "An Actual Toon-Tuber would be Andrei Terbea; He Makes Videos with his character on the big center mostly like PNG-Tubers, but his character is animated instead!"
Kid 1:" Wouldn't that make Haminations, Theodd1sout, Circle Toons and more like these animators toon-tubers?"
Kid 2: "No? Well UHH, It's hard to explain- You Know What? A fool made up Toon-Tubers."
by TesTy_DaBlockz May 18, 2023
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GTGASAP means "Got To Go As Soon As Possible"; it either means you have to go very fast and cannot wait for your friend to say goodbye, it can also be used (more logically) to say that your friend must go as soon as possible for some odd reasons.
Example 1:
Girl: "Hello!"
Boy: "Ayyo0! Sup// Hru?? !!"
Girl: "Ig 1 G0OD wbu?!?"
Boy: "1drk Bru"
Boy: "4W MAN!!1!"

Example 2:
"Hey bruh we gtgasap because this monster is 'boutta get-us"
by TesTy_DaBlockz May 18, 2023
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