2 definitions by SpicChinkNiggerHinduCracker

much better than american pop, or any other pop from any country. although, i am american and so ethnically mixed that i dont even know wutspecific countries im from, i know lots of korean pop.
Baby Vox, SES, FINKL, shinwa, CBMass, Papaya, Lemonade, Skool, BoA(bitch of assholes)
by SpicChinkNiggerHinduCracker December 21, 2003
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(VERB) one who hides in caves or small cheap shit undergrund areas. they usually have lice, dirty pots, mars bars, rats, and about 150,000 thousand dollars with them. they do get discovered by soldiers or some strange elite team lead by a soldier named Hernandez or Fernandez. when medical examinations have been taken on a saddam, reports of lice, and PSD's (which stands for sexualy transmitted diseases) are found. Have long facial hair, beards, sideburns, etc.
Asshanti, stop being a freakin saddam with your long beard and sideburns! And get out of that fucken hole aka your mother ass.
by SpicChinkNiggerHinduCracker December 21, 2003
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