13 definitions by Someone32143214

The #1 most overused excuse used by Asian parents to justify beating the fuck out of their kids yet still get surprised when that only makes them even worse.
Korean kid: I can't believe you beated me up last night over crappy grades and kicked me out of the house.
Parent: It was just disciprine. I only did that because I love you.
Kid: bruh
by Someone32143214 January 31, 2021
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A form of verbal abuse with the intention to make the victim feel guilty. Like getting raped but it's actually justified you deserved it 100%. Worse is the dilemma you get put into between dismissing it and making yourself look worse than before or giving in to their twisted perception and making yourself look weak-minded. The worst verbal abuse in existence. Bar none.
A: I did a harmless thing only to get a call-out on it for being "rude". Not only that, when I objected, even more people started calling me out on it and made me feel guilty over nothing. It felt far more burdensome than when some random stranger called me a racial slur. Because it's not like I deserved that.
by Someone32143214 October 8, 2021
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Literally the ONLY people you'll ever get to hang out with if you don't stop taking everything so goddamn seriously and grow a thick skin.
"You take things too seriously, either grow a thick skin, or hang out with Indonesians the rest of your life"
by Someone32143214 June 14, 2023
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The Weenie Hut Jr. of countries. By contrast, America is Salty Spitoon.
American: "I think you'd be more comfortable over at that country"
Non-American: "Indonesia?! Are you saying I belong in Indonesia?!"
American: "No, sorry, I was actually pointing to the country above it."
Non-American: "Malaysia"?!
American: "Yeah. Unless you think you have thick enough skin to hang out with me."
(Non-American inhales; cut to him at Indonesia)
by Someone32143214 June 14, 2023
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The absolute most hated word among today's youth, and with good reason. They invest years and ten thousands of cash in a college education in hopes to better their chances for a job, only to get told that none of that shit matters unless you have "experience", which you can only acquire through jobs. This is how they end up homeless or at least sheltered past 30.
Applicant: "Hello, I'm a graduate of a prestigious university with a doctorate's degree and I'd like to apply for the entry-level job you just posted"

Company: "We don't give a shit about your background, we won't consider you unless you have experience"

Applicant: "But I can't get experience unless I have a job"

Company: "I missed the part where that's my problem"
by Someone32143214 September 19, 2023
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Synonym for delayed, generally used when referring to ignition times of car engines.

Also the #1 trigger word in social media for some reason, even though worse and more unambiguously derogatory words exist, such as nigger, and most people use it to just colloquially describe something bullshit, you know, WITHOUT making fun of the mentally disabled.
Facebook user 1: Have you heard about the mayor's decision to raise taxes for low-income families?
Facebook user 2: Yeah, ruining chances of those who hardly had any to start with? That's just retarded.
Autistic person:
Random Canadian girl: TRIGGERED
by Someone32143214 November 4, 2019
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That one particular word that will get a LOT of SJWs angry beyond comprehension.
Me: "bruh that's just retarded"
SJW: "so you have chosen death"
by Someone32143214 February 13, 2022
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