9 definitions by Shoreline1

När en övertygad Fi aktivist, nedlåtande försöker förklara för omgivningen att ex. inkvotering av kvinnor på attraktiva höga tjänster, är bättre för samhället än att anställa den bäst kvalificerade.
rde Kerstin köra en Femsplaining igår. Hon berättade att företag skulle bli lönsammare om alla styrelsemedlemmar var kvinnor.
by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017
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Somebody that is killed in an accident during texting
I did read some tragic and stupid news about textakiri, more than 11 teen deaths everyday, is caused by it.
by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017
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An expert in producing alternative news, also called "fake news"
-Do you know Mike? He is a columnist and an alternative expert! -No I dont, and what do you mean with alternative expert. - He writes columns filled with facts, that has no relevance or is altered, but when you read it, it sounds good .
by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017
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Public media rephrased as Public Pravda, is a national Public Service TV, financed by tax or mandatory charge, which supposedly should be without political influence, but is not.
Did see on Public Pravda news that migration in Europe is a good affair for all countries that allow them in. - Must be good news for Greece, a couple of million migrants with low education will make miracle for their non existent economy ...
by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017
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Förort till storstäder där kriminaliteten är hög och blåljuspersonal riskerar att bli attakerade
Märkligt att områden som i östra Göteborg eller norra Stockholm blivit nogosubs
by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017
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När en kvinnlig supporter till Feministiskt initiativ, förklarar för omgivningen att kvinnliga styrelseledamöter är bäst oavsett kvalifikationer.
-Kerstin körde en Fisplaining igår igen, sabbade hela tillställningen, blir så trött! Vad var det dennangen, inkvotering av styrelsemedlemmar i börsbolag eller avsaknaden på hedersvåld?
by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017
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Textecide: When a person is killed, due to lack of attention on e.g. traffic and is runned over by a car or killed in a car accident while driving and texting.
-Did you hear about Alice? It's so tragic and stupid. -No what happened? She textecide , was as usually, paying more attention to her phone and less on where she walked, stumbled and did fall i front of a car ...
by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017
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