62 definitions by Ricky

A name that you caan call some one who fucks a pie
Hey did you hear what that kid did last night instead of his girlfriend? He's a fuckin piepusher!
by Ricky July 5, 2004
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a waud of saliva combined with boogers.
he hawked a lugi on my shirt!
by Ricky January 19, 2004
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drinking 69 gallons (British, cause they're bigger than US gallons) of pussy juicy
"do you mind if I stop sucking your clit for a while, I need the bathroom"
by Ricky June 20, 2003
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tones that are refered to as "def", which is an old hip-hop slang word for "good"
Man, those are some def tones!
by Ricky March 9, 2004
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fruityness is like another way for saying thats gay.
Dude thats total fruityness.
by Ricky August 21, 2004
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acronym for "oh my hell". Used on the interent.
I just watched an MTV Osbournes Marathon - 10 episodes in a row OMH!
by Ricky January 30, 2004
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awesome, radical, tubuleur
dude, giving me that ride was totally dudly of you.
by Ricky March 7, 2003
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