15 definitions by Ready-Liver

The 'cool' way of saying possessed.
Father: Is my daughter ok?

Priest: Yo, seems she's a lil pazzazzed!
by Ready-Liver May 29, 2009
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A word created by ignorant pricks who couldn't manage the time to learn the English language. Suspected to originate around the early 1900s on Angel Island, where many Asian immigrants lacked proper English.

Irregardless means exactly the same thing as regardless, regardless of its negativity.

See Regardless
Asian Immigrant: Irregardless, I do what (I)want!
by Ready-Liver May 7, 2009
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A common misspelling of the word dick while texting.
Matt: Hey fucktard! i told u i didnt need ur opinion!

Tim: Matt why r u being such a dial?
by Ready-Liver May 12, 2009
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The magical horse with a penis on its head instead of a horn, distant relative of the unicorn.
Guy: I saw a penicorn today. I rubbed its horn three time sbut it didn't give me any magical wishes, but it did give me some magical goo. I used it as a substitute for mayonnaise I made for my parents.
by Ready-Liver July 5, 2009
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A face usually given in disgust or in discontent with a situation. It involves any facial gesture that, literally, makes someone say "What the fuck?"
All through study-hall, Tiras would stare at Rebecca. Rebecca just glared over at Tiras like he was a creeper with a what the fuck face.
by Ready-Liver May 10, 2009
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1. The retarded cousin of the word Grammar.

2. Sometimes even confused as a cracker by little kids.
1. I think mah grammer iz gittin' bettor.

2. Mommy, can I have a grammer cracker?
by Ready-Liver May 7, 2009
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