13 definitions by Rankojin

The orginal captain of Sealab. A kind but somewhat senile older man. Left Sealab 2021 in episode 33 to fight in the Great Spice Wars.

Voiced by the Harry Goz who lost his battle with cancer on September 6, 2003, at the age of 71.
Murphy: Marco! Hey buddy, you wanna, I don't know, hang out or, play a game?
Marco: I'm a little busy here, sir. Trying to keep a billion dollar research station running smoothly.
Murphy: Ooh, fun! I'll be the mommy.
by Rankojin July 12, 2004
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A vampire who craves the sun and hates the night. Loves to get a tan. Refered to in both The Simpsons and Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Reverse Vampires sleep in tanning booths during the night.
by Rankojin July 12, 2004
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A cigarette. Often called this by those very pious people. Also see cancer stick.
We flushed your sin sticks down the toliet.
- The Simpsons
by Rankojin December 10, 2004
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A show that dates back to the orgins of zdtv when it was called Extended Play. It has managed to survive many years all the way from zdtv, techtv, and now G4techtv. With long time host Adam Sessler who has had two co-host to this point. The first Kate Botello, and now Morgan Webb.
The show is a mix of humor (mostly campy gags and over the top line reading) and gaming reviews, previews, interviews, etc.
Although x play can be irritating it can be quitean enjoyable show as well.
by Rankojin June 24, 2004
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One of the best and most expensive cars in the year 3000. From the Futurama episode Put your Head on my Shoulder.
Sales Person: "Nothing makes you feel more like a man than a Thundercougarfalconbird. So how much were you thinking of spending on this Thundercougarfalconbird?"
Fry: "Sorry, I'm not here to buy."
Sales Person: "I understand and it's wonderful that you don't care whether anyone questions your sexual orientation."
Fry: "I care! I care plenty! I just dunno how to make them stop!"
Sales Person: "One word: Thundercougarfalconbird."
by Rankojin August 10, 2004
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A way of bragging in a humorous manner about your physical appearance.
"Back in my day, we didn't need molded bodysuits. *taps at his chest* Pure...West."
- Adam West, The Simpsons
by Rankojin February 13, 2005
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Having no strong feelings on something one way or another, being neutral. Made popular by the Futurama episode "Brannigan Begin Again."
"What makes a man turn neutral ... Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?"
- Zapp Brannigan
by Rankojin August 3, 2004
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