11 definitions by Random-girl-who-cant-think

a user who tries his best to form a perfect definition but ends up as a rookie who has done nothing
Me, I am an iddi
by Random-girl-who-cant-think November 29, 2020
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please sabascribe..sarapaskcribe...sabasricbie

you'll find the video just Ctrl+C and Ctrl+v the meaning on google
by Random-girl-who-cant-think November 30, 2020
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cuter way to tell that fake things suck in uwu language
I'm so angrwy this is so fakeu!!!!
by Random-girl-who-cant-think November 29, 2020
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when take a massive fart and then u say the system is rigged..
yea that doesn't make sense , i was just trying to make a gud def
anyway take a massive trump fart bye.
ass manager: one of the Karen took a massive trump fart, it smelled,and she blamed it on one of the employees and decided to call the manager..
grandmother:oh Hun, its alright come eat some Italian meatballs.
by Random-girl-who-cant-think November 30, 2020
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A user of the urban dictionary who keeps on copying others definitions, even when flagged
Casey is such a banned dic
by Random-girl-who-cant-think November 30, 2020
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when you're so jobless that you search this 19 letter word on google somehow, and u finally find the meaning to this word
by Random-girl-who-cant-think November 29, 2020
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I see your bored...
Cmon do something
Julie: tf why did she type oooooooooooooooooooonnnnnooooooooooooooooo
Angela: probably f*ing bored
by Random-girl-who-cant-think November 30, 2020
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