3 definitions by Proveyourpoint

The term "base drop" originated from dubstep music. Over the years, dubstep has had an increasingly large part in outdoor films, especially skiing, snowboarding, and mountain biking. Often times when a dubstep song is used in one a ski or bike film, a "base drop" is used to emphasize a trick. The term "base drop" is now being used widely to describe a trick done on skies, bikes, or snowboards.
Dude 1: Check out this rad base drop I'm gonna pull!

Dude 2: That was gnarly brah!
by Proveyourpoint June 4, 2014
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Waffle (used in refrance to extreme sport)

Waffle (n.)

The word waffle, in reference to extreme sports, originated from its use in describing interference on a short wave or HAM radio.

Eventually the word was used in skiing, to inform a friend what the landing of a cliff or kicker was like. In the skiing sense, waffle means ice, moguls, rock, trees or other undesired obstacles at the landing of a jump.

Now this term can be used in a wide range of outdoor sports including, mountian biking, sledding, long boarding, and any sport involving shredding.
HAM radio operator: "there's a lot of radio waffle, I can't under stand him"

Skier: "you'll need a lot of speed, there's about 7 feet waffle you need to clear at the base"

Long boarder: "dude I totally wiped out! Didn't see all that waffle on the road"
by Proveyourpoint April 17, 2014
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Shred (V.)
To cut, slice, chop or carve a path or line through snow, surf, skate park or any kind of trail. The term shred does NOT extend to sky diving, hang gliding, wing suit flying, or motor sports of any kind. Shred can also be used to discribe injuries inflicted while participating in an extreme sport.
Skier 1: Dude! I'm gonna send that cliff.

Skier 2: Shred it hard bro!

Biker 1: Wanna shred some trail today?

Biker 2: Can't, I need a new front disk, remember...

Surfer 1: High tide in an hour, wanna surf?

Surfer 2: let's shred some curl!

Skater: Dude I shredded my face on that quarter pipe!

Friend: I can tell...
by Proveyourpoint April 16, 2014
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