19 definitions by Preston

Basicly an anime/asian style wink. Cuter version of the -_^ wink.
OMG, you are so cute! *kisses* ~_^
by Preston March 8, 2005
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a gathering of smaller materials, due to moisture, or scraping. Usually pertaining to the fine cheese between your balls after streneous activity.
I was going to go to my girlfriends house for a blow job, but I know I have loads of sloft off dead skin cells.
by Preston November 18, 2004
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A term used by Adolf Hitler and company pertaining to the nazification of Germany. (see Nazification)
We got'sta stop the swastification guys.
by Preston November 18, 2004
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ADJ. without violence (exp. non-violent protest)
You can slap hippies all day for fun cause they are non-violent people.
by Preston January 5, 2004
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The art of manipulating a person in to hard core sex. involving whips, chains, hadncuffs, and knives. Also illegal in many many states.
Me and my ex girlfriend (miranda) did the Taulanta on the kitchen table (this is also illegal in many states)
by Preston May 14, 2003
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the sexual action of inserting a knife into one's anal, or vagina... usually causing self harm. Done in the action for pleasure or pain...
"Dude! howd she died?" "she died from a Taulanta!!!"
by Preston May 15, 2003
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