19 definitions by PotatoChip

A student who buys a mobile phone usually a Nokia, which is on a pre-paid plan, they also take their phones to school and never use them because these people never have any credit. They can only use their phone when there is a glitch in the network which causes free SMS messaging, at this time they spent all their time sending SMS's to other SMSers which wastes their battery so they can't read or receive all the messages their friends (SMSers) sent them. Most of the messages sent at this time blank messages which are sent to other SMSers to piss them off. Also the messages are written in internet language example, "Wat u doin Hav u sen n e 1 2da.” this language is altered and changed by all SMSer so that they can't understand each other. SMSers also send lots of money on shit overpriced cases and accessories such as phone lights with drain their batteries even more. These people are complete morons and think that having a phone means that they got a "life", but if you think spending your time sending blank messages is a "life" there is something seriously wrong with you.
SMSer: "Hey Bob there's free messaging".
Bob: "Put your phone on vibrate, shove it up your ass and get a friend with credit to SMS you!"

SMSer: "Hey Bob, look at my phone lights aren't they cool"
Bob: "Hold your phone with the lights on and stick your hand in a bucket of water."

SMSer: "I spent thirty bucks on my case and when I dropped my phone on my pillow it shattered and cracked my screen."
by PotatoChip May 25, 2003
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1. Slang term used for a blowjob.
2. An ugly hideous person.
3. Also see: mole
1. "That girl gives good head."
2. "That bitch is a head."
"Whatta head."
by PotatoChip May 13, 2003
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A person of German descent that is a complete idiot.
"Deiter is an hotzohplot."
by PotatoChip May 17, 2003
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When a person is so annoying that they get you really mad and the only way to stop them doing what they are doing is to give them a single powerful punch to the face which knocks them unconscious, they are now said to be "knocked the fuck out". This is only achieved if it is a single punch which knocks them unconscious.
"Brad was talking so I knocked him the fuck out!"
by PotatoChip May 23, 2003
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1. Someone who is extremely hungry.
2. Abreviation of "Fucking Hungry".
"I'm fungry"
"I'm so fungry"
by PotatoChip March 24, 2003
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I don't know what the fuck it means, it just sounds like "go hug a fucker". Probably used when you are drunk or under the influence and need a hug.
Mandy: "I think Joe, you've had a few to many beers".
by PotatoChip May 25, 2003
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