5 definitions by Netal Beattie

What someone says when they read something on a social networking site that they were shocked the person would say it. Derived from fraped, which is where someone's Facebook account is accessed and modified without authorization just for the lulz of it (i.e. the fun of it)
Fraping Hell! I can't believe Damien just wrote that! He'll be in serious trouble if anyone sees it - He is such a troll the lulz!
by Netal Beattie August 6, 2011
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A statement in support of someone or something. Often used in online communities to signify a comment that is welcomed, and which is considered to be the opposite of a flame.
Thanks for the kudos
by Netal Beattie February 20, 2009
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Trubunalism refers to the way legal cases are used by elites in a society to 'make an example' of something they think is wrong by prosecuting someone who is an easy target.
A chav faced four years in prison for trolling on Facebook against a rich businessman. This is such tribunalism - the judge should be ashamed of themselves.
by Netal Beattie December 24, 2011
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A type of trolling where the Troller attempts to pwn someone by claiming something they said means something totally different to what that actually meant.
Innocent Person: "I think it is important that school children wear school uniforms".

Strawmanning Person: "Hitler believed in people wearing uniforms, are you trying to make all children Nazis?"

Innocent Person: No, that is not at all what I meant!

Strawmanning Person: Ha! I pwned you!
by Netal Beattie November 17, 2011
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To be offed is to be annoyed with something, as if one put a four letter taboo word before it. However, the taboo word becomes silent. Instead of saying 'I was completely ****ed off by someone', you'd say 'I was so offed by someone'.
I am getting so offed with the school. They don't understand my son's needs at all.
by Netal Beattie July 21, 2011
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