34 definitions by Muttemor

An ancient word from the 1980s and early 90s to describe a female (or male) who who is adorable in a sexually attractive kind of way, by older straight men (or older straight women).

The word like 'Stud-Muffin' can be either a laudative, a tease or even a derogative depending on its' use and context. The phrase 'Cutie' refers to 'cute' and the phrase 'Pie' means 'scrumptious', so it literally translates into 'Sweet and Tasty'.

The phrase can also be used to cheer up an individual who has poor body image by someone you cares about them or is trying to be nice.
Bill walked over to the bar, looking over at a young little thing who had to be at least 15 years his junior, summing up his confidence he told her, "Hey Cutie-Pie, can I uh... buy you a drink?"

She merely looked over to him, a little judgemental at first, but with a deep sigh in her mind, she simply replied, "sure stud, why not..."

Lilly looked at herself in the mirror, crying softly as all her flaws made themselves known to her, crying at her 'misfortune', however Tommy never saw these flaws, he saw only the beauty of what lay about them, but one piece of her whole as he held her tightly and teased, "what's the matter Cutie-Pie, I know I'm not all that pretty, but you don't need to cry about it?"

Lilly simply laughed at his silly boyish remarks calling him, "stupid..." as they sat there alone in the darkness.
by Muttemor May 12, 2021
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A derogatory catch-all word used by radical feminists, insecure women (and trans-women) as well as beta males; to describe masculine men in a misandrist manner.
Clint: "How do you not like bacon, bullets or boobs?"

Sam: "Because I'm not a f*cking incel!"
by Muttemor August 23, 2022
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Burhemoth (Burr-hee-mawth)
Conjuction for: Behemoth Burrito; also spelt burrhemoth for emphasis.

A burhemoth is the result when you order a regular menu item but ad to or double the items already inside of it and the taco shop guy is forced to use a second (or more) tortilla/s to accomplish the task of rolling it. Generally the resulting outcome is a 5 to 10lb burrito the size of a newborn baby or a 'behemoth' burrito.

Making one is easy l, but eating it is another story... but needless to say if you like the taco shop you bought it at... it will be epically delicious.
Me: I want a California Burrito with extra beans-
Barrista: It doesn't come with beans, do you want to ad beans?
Me: yes, ad beans and I want extra sour cream and guac as well and make sure they ad extra beans to that... and American Guac not Mexican.
Barista: Ok...

15 minutes later

Barista: <laughs>

Me: what?
Barista: oh nothing, that's just a huge burrito.
Me: I know right, it's a burhemoth.
by Muttemor October 29, 2017
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1) The fear and/or irrational bias/hostility towards the idea of biggotry based on stereotypical troupes which may or may not actually be true.

2) An overemphasized dislike of bigotry, which irrationally motivates ones' own personal opinions and/or actions.

3) Utilization of anti-bigotry out of context to motivate a counter culture against those who may not have or share similarly alligned oppinions. These oppinions may or may not actually be biggoted.

4) Using the ideas of anti-bigotry and stereotypes to motivate people against others in society who are accused of such bigotry and stereotypical behavior.

5) (irrational, intentional or unintentional)Bigotry towards other forms of bigotry.
Jack claims that most (group based on race, religion, gender, age, political stance, and/or sexual orientation) people are (bigoted term/troupe) yesterday, however a majority are not. I think he might have stereophobia.

Margret says that she thinks everyone who doesn't support her views must be a bigot towards them, I think she has stereophobia.

Bob is using stereophobia to make people think there is more bigotry in this country than there actually is.
by Muttemor October 18, 2018
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A subjective personality type where the individual looks boring, plain (and even unappealing) on the outside even when they try to put a fun spin on themselves (usually because they try too hard to be likable), then when you crack them open (depending on your personality type) you realize... they are actually a pretty gross on the inside. However there are other people who do like them a LOT for whatever reason (dogs), these individuals tend to flock to them immediately, either in defense of them or to basically eat them up, often offering some of the person's bullshit up to others who usually tell them either, 'I'm good' or 'eww, gross', to which they immediately take offense.
Dude, you should watch the Legend of Korra it is SO amazing.

Nah, Korra has a personality like a 'can of dog food'

Man, f*ck you, bro! Korra is awesome!
by Muttemor May 3, 2021
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The act of grouping people you hate together as if they were all the same person; usually giving them all the same disparaging handle or slur.
"How is it that all you conservatives are racist nazis?"

"How is it all you progressives are communist pedophiles?"

"Would you both just stop Lump-Summing eachother?"
by Muttemor September 4, 2022
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Susan, SUSan or Sue, is a combination of the term SUS and the name Karen. The name is usually given to women, but can also be rewarded to a man, when they get involved in a situation, but their intentions are SUS.

Usually these individuals will take it upon themselves to call out or *fix* things (society, art, rules, language, ect...) they see as broken, wrong or morally questionable. Susans however, usually do this based on their own subjective reasoning and inherent personal bias, which is often seen as irrational to a majority of other people. Their intentions, often, usually have a negative undertone.

When called out or they feel as such, a Susan's true nature will surface; they will often get hostile about what they were REALLY trying to accomplish through their actions, which was generally something ill or divisive.

Susans cannot be reasoned with, due to their self-righteousness and the fact they are often manic or insane.
Little Billy had just finished his drawing, he worked really hard on it, however kelly had noticed he colored in one of the characters the wrong color, so she *fixed* it for him. When Billy asked why she, 'ruined his picture', Kelly got angry at him and told him that he, 'he NEEDED to color in the characters the right way, or it was *racist*'... Kelly was being a Susan.
by Muttemor January 1, 2022
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