25 definitions by MetalHead16

The very evil and wretched thing that took away my grandfather when I was just 7 years old!
I watched my grandfather die of lung cancer from smoking cigarettes, and it is something I don't want happening to me or anybody else I care about. Go ahead and rate me down all you want! Just know that I am just speaking from experience, and that the ratio of thumbs up to thumbs down will no affect me at all!
by MetalHead16 October 22, 2010
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A failed attempt to legalize recreational use of cannabis in California. It would have helped out California's economic problems by increasing the state revenue, as well as possibly lowering casualties in the ongoing drug war.
The people who voted yes to Prop 19 were apparently just BLOWING SMOKE, LOL. Get it? Blowing smoke? LOL
by MetalHead16 January 23, 2011
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A family comprised of a mother, father, and at least 1 full child (child of both parents). Something that is non-existent in today's society.
Back in the day, families stayed together for life and existed as a nuclear family! Now, families always split.
by MetalHead16 November 21, 2010
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The only good character in the whole Twilight series. Actually CARES about Bella, instead of being an over-controlling stalker (see Edward Cullen).
Edward Cullen fan: OMG!!! EDWARD IS SOOO HAWT!!!
Jacob Black fan: STFU!!! Jacob actually cares about Bella! Edward is just a controlling, stalker douchbag!
Jacob fan: Whatever, you brainwashed twit! (kills Edward fan)
by MetalHead16 November 11, 2010
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Linkin Park's fourth studio album, released on September 14, 2010. The musical style is TOTALLY different from their older stuff. If you are a fan of Hybrid Theory and Meteora, but not a big fan of Minutes to Midnight, you may or may not like the new album. One song actually has Chester rapping. The Catalyst is the best song on the album, in my opinion.
Guy 1: Did you hear about Linkin Park's new album, A Thousand Suns?

Guy 2: Yeah, it sucks.

Guy 1: I like it. But if you don't like it, that's fine. Your entitled to your opinion, and I won't force mine onto you.

Guy 2: Okay, thanks. Same to you. I prefer Linkin Park's old stuff.

Guy 1: I agree! LP's old stuff was the BEAST!
by MetalHead16 September 25, 2010
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Something that is SERIOUSLY taken for granted here in America. Seriously, all you gotta do is go in with an open mind/positive attitude, do your work (try hard, and if you don't understand it, simply ask for help), pass the tests, and get your diploma. It's free, and it's worth it.
Kids in third-world countries would KILL to get an education, and here we are, acting like spoiled brats by thinking we gotta "conform to the system".
by MetalHead16 March 12, 2011
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One of the gayest book series ever written. Written for D&D nerds who live in their parents' basements and for children. As well as Satan worshippers. Often compared to an even gayer book series: Twilight.
Goth boy: OMG, Harry Potter is SO f***in' awesome!
Normal boy: STFU, you stupid gothsucker.
by MetalHead16 August 20, 2010
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