2 definitions by Markalicious

This zone is occupied by women who are less than a 5 on the crazy scale and more than an 8 on the hot scale. These women are in fact unicorns; they don't exist. If you find a unicorn, safely and carefully capture it. Many tests need to be run on these creatures in an effort to replicate their characteristics.
John- "Dude, I think Jane is in the unicorn zone."
Jack- "No way, man! Those girls don't exist! You need to take her in for testing."
by Markalicious July 11, 2015
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To be adored by teenage girls and Myspace fanatics alike but still churn out completely unlistenable, bothersome songs.
Panic! At the Disco are slightly annoying, aren't they?
Not if you're 13 with braces and aren't addicted to Myspace.
by Markalicious May 23, 2007
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