38 definitions by Lex

A rich girl who doesnt deserve to be treated like shit just cuzz ya'll are jealous of her money and skininess.
Ya'll are jealous of Paris Hilton cuzz shes not 1/2 bad looking and is rich.
by Lex May 25, 2005
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Bat-and-ball game originating in Britain, where it is called “Rounders” and is principally played by schoolgirls.
At any given time it involves one pitching-&-fielding team, who must dismiss the batsmen by throwing the ball past them to a catcher, and one batting team who must strike the ball in such away as to enable them to run between the “plates” or “bases” and so amass points.

Apparently also played by grown men, in the Colonies.
Q : Will you be watching the baseball?
A : What, rounders? My good man, watching schoolgirls is *illegal* in my country.
by Lex November 25, 2004
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Q : Hey, do you think there were even 12 monkeys who understood the film "12 monkeys"
A : No.
by Lex November 25, 2004
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someone from darien, connecticut who sucks. they are ussually preppy jocks who wear north face.
comes from d-bag
"I was hanging out at the dunkin donuts in darien but i bounced when all these d-bagers came in their damn BMWs and started pissin me off."
by Lex November 24, 2003
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Located in the heart of Chester!
It is a place where you dont want to cross the bridge or else you might get shot. It has about 5,000 students yet the parties are always at the same few houses or andorn. You always know someone at a party; almost everyone. The drunk bus is very convenient. It is the only school that can order pizza at 3am in the morning from ACAPULCO! While walking on campus late at night, a car drives by, and the thought of "a drive by" or getting raped by a CHESTERITE runs through your head at least once. Gotta love Chester!!!
by Lex February 17, 2005
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Offensive slang term for the aorta, especially in context of transgressive sex.
I heard that (s)he take it up the bacon trombone.
by Lex November 25, 2004
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A well-feathered little cornpopper of a zinger of the opposite sax.
Zounds! Zowee! Xaaaaaaaaaaaa!
by Lex March 5, 2005
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