5 definitions by LetsBeFrank0719

A place for anime loving racists.
Boy1:hey bro you use ifunny
Boy2:no i aint gay
by LetsBeFrank0719 February 16, 2021
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Jake is usually docile but while snap if he hears one more Jake from StateFarm joke.
Hey Jake from statefarm
Jake:I will snap your fucking neck
by LetsBeFrank0719 January 25, 2021
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A place where kids can recive free candy in return for their freedom
Kid1: aye yo man this guy is givin out candy in his van
Kid2: fuck yeah bro lets go
by LetsBeFrank0719 February 1, 2021
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A place where people go to...
1. Make jokes

2. Make fun of people

3. Kill their boredom
Man1: hey dude the urban dictionary says your name stands for being a pussy
Man2: and it says yours means sucking dick
by LetsBeFrank0719 February 12, 2021
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A bunch of dumbasses in a small country.
Man1: hey are you racist?
Man2: no, bit the british push it close
by LetsBeFrank0719 February 16, 2021
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