28 definitions by Leslie

Originating from the term "Splackaveli," splacky whacky means a frontin' ass thug.
Look at that splacky whacky tryin' to holla at us.
by Leslie March 29, 2005
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trashies = euro
(eurotrash -> trash->trashies)
i need 25 trashies for the train.
by Leslie November 25, 2004
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Skoog is the derogative term "gook" backwards. It doesn't have anything to do with blacks, or "mac daddies."
I hear they've got some awesome skoog food down town.
by Leslie June 9, 2004
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a combination of both western and eastern philosophy. PLURCHICHI combines the western idealistic 'plur' (peace, love, unity, and respect) with the eastern 'chi' (The vital force believed in Taoism to be inherent in all things. The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are believed to be essential to the life force).
by Leslie March 2, 2003
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