4 definitions by Inivikan

Noun: a pejorative used by /pol/yps and other reactionaries to describe men who oppose them. Soyboys are characterized as being weak, effeminate men who lack many of the qualities that make a man. The term soyboy is considered a personal attack akin to "You're not a REAL MAN" or "You're a sissy cockboy!" The word is typically used as an insult against anyone who is left of Ronald Reagan (A REAL MAN WHO DOESN'T PRETEND). Considering the appearance of many of these /pol/yps in real life, the word is most likely projection.
Man 1: Hey man, what do you think of my beard?
Man 2: You're a freaking soyboy for not agreeing with me on how I think FEMINISM IS EVIL! And you use Discord! And other things that I don't like!
by Inivikan February 6, 2018
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Someone who is a virgin to alcohol - someone who hasn't tried alcohol before or been drunk.
Parol: Hey Seth, do you wanna go clubbing with us and get waaaaaaaasted?
Seth: I've never actually been drunk before
by Inivikan August 17, 2014
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In the context of programming and computer science, breadcode refers to code that was written in a way that purposefully broke coding conventions in an effort to stroke someone's ego. Breadcode usually exists because the programmer thinks their personal-yet-nonsensical coding style is "cool" and because nobody told the programmer to stop doing it.
I saw Jeremy's latest code and had to spend extra time trying to decipher it as the names were not self-commenting and referenced various in-jokes.

Samantha's breadcode frequently references horses. Somebody please make her stop before I call HR.
by Inivikan November 27, 2017
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A skid or scriptkitty or 11-year-old who exclusively teaches people how to copy n paste "codes" into notepad and knows nothing else.
Skills of the notepader:
- copy & paste
- getting their mom to accidentally shut-down their computer
- not having a microphone and typing into notepad to explain shit on youtube
- being an idiot
omg you are such a notepad master you have the power of notepad at your fingertips you totally tricked your mom into accidentally shutting down her computer you are such a haxr i frigging supscribe
by Inivikan August 25, 2015
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