8 definitions by Hoobaju

A cool guy who has lots of ladies and/or kaish.
I know Luke can rustle up some fine honeys for the party 'cause he's such a hella gator.
by Hoobaju October 8, 2003
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An act of bullying or a prank performed on a weaker kid, as are weggies and swirlies, where you hit the elbow of a kid who is picking his nose to jam his finger up his nose.
Next time Eugene picks his nose, I'm gonna give him the hoogie from hell!
by Hoobaju May 2, 2005
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To really give it long and strong to your partner during sex.
If Denise ever breaks me off a piece of that fine ass, Im gonna bone it like I own it.
by Hoobaju June 18, 2009
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Generally refers to hair length; a woman with very short hair.
That bitch's hair was as short as ten minutes 'til ten.
by Hoobaju October 8, 2003
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back talk, woffin'or talkin' trash
"Give me any more of that back-sass and I'll kick your ass."
by Hoobaju May 2, 2005
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