7 definitions by Hieronymus

Toilet paper or tissue that has been used to clean up a disgusting substance, such as semen or dung.
Algernon couldn't bring himself to enter the public washroom at Herald Square, as he knew the floors of the stalls to be thoroughly littered with rude wad.
by Hieronymus June 18, 2008
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A Piss Jug refers to a receptacle of varying size, optimally made of a water-proof substance, into which urine may be expelled directly from the penis. Piss Jugs are generally used in situations where a conventional toilet is unavailable.
Cedric couldn't hold it any longer: he'd had seven large glasses of beer, and the line-up for the washroom was just too long. He grabbed an empty pitcher from the table, disappeared into the walk-in cloakroom, and emerged about a minute later with the piss jug nearly half-full.
by Hieronymus March 30, 2008
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A Piss Jug is a receptacle of variable size, optimally made of a water-proof substance, into which urine may be expelled directly from the body. Piss jugs are generally used in situations where a conventional toilet is unavailable.
Cedric couldn't hold it any longer: he'd had seven large glasses of beer, and the line-up for the washroom was just too long. He grabbed an empty pitcher from the table, disappeared into the walk-in cloakroom, and emerged about a minute later with the Piss Jug nearly half-full.
by Hieronymus April 1, 2008
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Small, circular damp spot on the front of one's trousers or underwear formed by runoff (excess) urine not shaken away after a pee.

This is also the name (though with a slightly different spelling) of a major traffic artery in Windsor, Ontario.
Hamish was experiencing difficulties concentrating at the time of his disembarkation from the bus, as he was not wearing any underwear, and had noticed a rather large wine dot next to his zipper, which he thought might best remain hidden from the other passengers.
by Hieronymus June 18, 2008
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After Cedric finished filling the pitcher with piss, he was calm enough to venture into the crowded bathroom to pass a snickers.
by Hieronymus June 15, 2008
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An method of torture by which the victim is locked in a closet or covered with a heavy blanket, for a prolonged period of time, together with an individual with a known propensity for blowing farts of the loud, trumpeting variety, and who has recently consumed a considerable quantity of beans or confectionery containing petroleum jelly, such as jujubes. Persons subjected to torture in the blast furnace typically display symptoms such as trembling, nausea, and slurred speech.
Edgar needed several sessions with a professional therapist following his six-hour confinement in the Snickersburg blast furnace, for which Big Eddy "Brown Stain" Bollocks had provided the stoking.
by Hieronymus June 18, 2008
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"Checking the baggage" refers to the act of arranging or rearranging the contents of one's trousers (i.e. penis and testicles) in order to ensure's one's own comfort while sitting, standing, playing the piano, etc.
Hamish missed his stop while riding the bus as he was busy checking the baggage and didn't hear the driver call out "Gropecunt Lane!"
by Hieronymus March 30, 2008
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