6 definitions by Goat_011

A person who is rather plain, typical, or boring. A person who doesn't exactly have any special qualities to them. For Example: a barely to non-existing personality.
"You're always the same mate; dark clothes, always acting tough, you're just a plain Bagel Head man."
by Goat_011 July 31, 2020
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A person who has spent all their precious time making so much BitCoin, that it's unbelievable, and also sad.
Guy 1: 'Hey man, look how much BitCoin I've made, I've got stacks of digital cash right here!
Guy 2: 'Your life must be really sad in order to become a Bit-illionare.
by Goat_011 April 17, 2020
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1: A word which can be used in place of the word bloody.
2: A word which can be used as an insult.
1: 'You bloody little nut!'- 'You didgey little nut!'
2: 'You flippin' Didgey!'
by Goat_011 April 16, 2020
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A way to describe someone who is talking absolute nonsense, pure crap, and nothing but stupidness.
'Jeez, this guy's got nothin' but Pirate Sputter in his mouth.'
by Goat_011 April 17, 2020
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The best, and I mean it, the BEST game out there. A game that can only be found on SumDog. Cake Monsters is a game of sheer knowledge, speed, and precision. Only the greats can be called a Cake Monsters Legend, and if they are called that, they are a master of Maths, Cake Monsters, and nothing else.
I wouldn't test that guy at Cake Monsters if I were you, I hear that guy practices every day. He's practically a Cake Monsters Legend, man!
by Goat_011 April 17, 2020
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Another way to describe feeling hungry, feeling saliva in your mouth. No time is better to have a case of The Gumdrips than when you're starving, and can't look at food without drooling at the mouth.
'Man, that food looks so good, I've got GumDrips in my mouth already!'
by Goat_011 April 17, 2020
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