27 definitions by Figure.10

An anti-sezire drug my doctor perscribed me to counter-act the weight gain effect of my Zoloft and to stabalise my craziness. Like that'll happen.

It comes in teeny white pills. It can make you tired.

Topamax is known as dopamax as well, for causing merory loss and such, but I can't tell the difference.

That might be bad.

See Wikipedia for more information, if it realy means that much to you.
Mom: "Did you remember to take your Topamax last night?"

Figure.10: "My what?..uh..yeah."
by Figure.10 June 1, 2009
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The plastic SOLO brand cup you drink whatever the hell it is you're drinking now, you can't remember, at parties.

People buy them for everything becuase they're cheap, and no one cares that the'll all end up in land fills.

Usualy red, but sometimes blue. They're flimsy, amd crack easily. Especialy if you sit on one.

If you're not sure if it's yours, please don't drink out of it. You could get mono.
Fill a generic party cup with urine, and set it on that asshole's ceiling fan.

Now run.
by Figure.10 June 1, 2009
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Nestle Milo is a chocolate malt drink popular in Australia.

I bought some at a specialty market and it's yummy!
Figure.10: "Whatcha' doin'?"

K3kyle: "Drinkin' Milo"

Figure.10: "Me too!" *slurps*
by Figure.10 June 27, 2009
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A character from South Park. Known for his nasal voice and general cynisim. He wears a blue hat with flaps and ties on it, which has a yellow poof ball on top. He has shiney black hair. He gets into trouble alot, usualy for flipping everyone off. He can't help it. Craig's whole family is like that. He's also gay for Tweek. Few people know this.
Craig Tucker is awesome.
by Figure.10 June 1, 2009
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The socket on the wall you plug electric cords into.

In North America, it looks like two little scared faces.

Don't stick your finger in it! It will shock you and hurt like hell!
Without a power socket, you could not run your computer and you wouldn't be at this website.
by Figure.10 June 13, 2009
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Being sexualy atracted to narwhals.
Last night I saw Jake masturbating to Animal Planet again...I think that boy's a narsexual!
by Figure.10 July 8, 2009
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