10 definitions by Disasterpiece

What emo kids call themselves, because it is part of an emo kid's nature to continually deny that they are emo. So the emos of the world made up "Scene," which is the exact same thing, only with a possibly more emo word. Fuckin' emos.
SCENE = EMO. Don't let the emos fool you, it's exactly the same thing.
by Disasterpiece December 6, 2007
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Slipnot is not a word, go back to the third grade and realize that there is a silent K in knot, you stupid fucking waste-of-sperm dumbass cunt.

Thank you. =
by Disasterpiece February 17, 2008
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A pretty gay new trend in jeans for emos and preps. I suppose it's now "cool" to suffocate your ankles. They're simply jeans that are tight around your calfs and ankles. The only time they're okay is on hot boys and people that actually make their own style out of them. On these people they look pretty steezy, but they are usually only worn by mindless conformists and emo kids. A lot of people think that fat people shouldn't wear skinny jeans, but I don't think they look that bad on them as long as they are proportioned in the right way.
Minless conformist: OMG, I bought these awesome new skinny jeans at Pac Sun yesterday! I got them because everybody has them and I do what they do because I have no personality!

Emo Kid: I got these skinny jeans at Hot Topic yesterday. They're pretty emo, like my soul.

Me: Please die.

I would never be caught dead in skinny jeans.
by Disasterpiece February 20, 2008
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Simply the most delicious, addictive, and energizing substance on Earth. It's pretty much liquified crack in a can.
I haven't had a Rockstar in three days and I need a fix real bad.
by Disasterpiece March 2, 2008
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An insanley devoted follower of Nu Metal band Slipknot, and damn proud of it. Not to be confuzed with a fan of Slipknot.
Slipknot Fan A: Dude, I just bought the new Slipknot CD last night!
Slipknot Fan B: Nice!

Maggot A: Dude, I just bought a pair of Corey Taylor's (lead singer) old underwear on eBay last night!
Maggot B: (sic)! Too bad that fucker sold out.
Maggot A: Yes, very sad indeed.
by Disasterpiece December 17, 2007
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A command uttered usually after one has said something infuriating or offensive to you.
Some people ask me why I curse so much. I respond to these people by asking them to go fuck themselves.

"Why don't you watch your mouth?"

"Why don't you go fuck yourself?"
by Disasterpiece January 24, 2008
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