15 definitions by DaveZeroZero

1. something sexually pleasing or arousing to someone considered to be a nerd.
dude, anime is soooo nerdrotic.
by DaveZeroZero April 26, 2007
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an alternative term, or synonym for the word 'internet'.

it is derived from an amalgamation of the words 'internet' and 'world wide web'
i love surfing the interweb!
by DaveZeroZero May 18, 2007
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What has been deemed to have been dished out by the pwner to the pwnee, as it were. It is the noun produced by the verb "to pwn".

A more advanced term for pwnage, also coming with heavier connotations.
1337 kid 1: haha, i 7074llY pwned that n00b
1337 kid 2: yeah man, that was some mad pwnishment.
by DaveZeroZero March 19, 2008
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a four letter lie, commonly confused with a feeling of intense affection felt towards another.
by DaveZeroZero May 15, 2007
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When a band or artist will compromise their career on the release of thier third album, most often achieved by straying completely from their older material.
Bayside, Linkin Park, Lostprophets, Funeral for a Friend and many others have all died the 3 Album Death.
by DaveZeroZero October 3, 2007
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someone who is so much of a loser that they are laughable, or lolworthy.

This could be for a wide range of reasons.
Person 1: Dude, did you hear about Esteban getting kicked in the balls by that girl last night?
Person 2: Haha, yeah, that seems to happen all the time - what a lolser
by DaveZeroZero March 14, 2008
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An erection gained whilst wearing drainpipes, also known as skinny jeans.

Due to the tight nature of this apparel, it is extremely difficult and awkward to conceal this kind of erection.

Not only is the fact that you are publicly 'excited' embarrassing, but, because the wearer should be fully aware of the nature of the obvious lump in his jeans, he will not want this erection, thus decreasing the size. This, however, is not the only factor in the embarrassment - the fact that the jeans are so tight also cuts of blood flow, further adding to the illusion that the wearer's member is smaller than it is.

Something to be avoided if it can be helped.
Dude, I pity Steve for getting that Drainpipe Boner in front of sally last week.

Girl: OMG! It's tiny!
Boy: Nah, it's just a drainpipe boner!
by DaveZeroZero May 30, 2007
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