12 definitions by DJ Gorilla



Synonym for "to fuck up very badly."
"I Iraq'd this shit up!"

"I Iraq'd my paper and now I have to repeat the 9th grade... again."
by DJ Gorilla December 3, 2006
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A juvenile college website devoted to drinking and tits without any other substance. Exactly what college students like because most of them are retarded.
A picture of my mom's tits were posted on College Humor. Oh god!
by DJ Gorilla December 3, 2006
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Borderline Emo

One who is not openly emo to the world but secretly listens to soft music and writes poetry.

Also may have suspicious looking scars.
Them: "Hey dude, the Death Cab concert is in town!"

You: "Wow dude, I never knew you were a borderline emo."

Them: "Fuck you."
by DJ Gorilla December 3, 2006
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Borderline Emo

One who is not openly emo to the world but secretly listens to soft music and writes poetry.

Also may have suspicious looking scars.
Them: "Hey dude, the Death Cab concert is in town!"

You: "Wow dude, I never knew you were a borderline emo."

Them: "Fuck you."
by DJ Gorilla December 3, 2006
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You wanna fight about it? Question, phrase, expletive.

You say this when you feel like pretending you are an Italian mobster. This phrase must always be spoken with a stereotypical Italian accent.
Them: "Dude, you completely fucked up my science project when you poured beer on it!"

You: "You wanna fight about it?"

by DJ Gorilla December 3, 2006
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