22 definitions by Cow

a term used for giving or recieving oral sex....
" so, i totally swaggled my boyfriend in the back of the movie theater last night"
"i got so drunk and let this guy swaggle me"
by Cow March 3, 2005
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To milk the tube steak for all it's worth.
I was fappin' to some NSYNC pics last night when I... wait, did I say NSYNC?
by Cow March 12, 2003
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Shortcut for 'Orgasmic';
hot fine sexual
Have you seen 'Troy'? Brad Pitt is o-mic!!!
by Cow May 18, 2004
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the perfect baby, all the fun, practically none of the poop. virtually unlimited attention span! cute as a frigging button. matches most decors!
Girl 1: i dont want to pop out any creatures out of my twat
Girl 2: you dont have to, there is always an instant baby!
by Cow September 5, 2003
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An extremley rare thing, caused through influence of incompetent coders, such as The Mysterious X.
I've never seen a CowBug(tm) which wasn't caused by shamelessly copying code from TMX!
by Cow May 6, 2004
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A State thats pretty much like every other state, yet for some reason people pick on it more than any other state in the union. Talk about a jealous bunch
California fucking rocks. But so does every other state. Now shut the fuck up and go to work.
by Cow July 6, 2003
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Celene is hott, Like a stripper, but not, she is my wife and I'LL kick your ass if you get near her.. And another definition of Celene is, (Hot/ horny /crazy girls)
Celene makes me horny...
by Cow March 23, 2004
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